And I will make his abode in Jannatul Quddoos and fulfill 70 needs of his daily needs, the least of which is forgiving him and saving him from all enemies of evils.Īyatul Kursi is a quarter of the Quran Majeed:ĥ). Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,” Surah Fateha, Ayatul Kursi and the two Ayats of Al-Imraan (Shaheedal Allaah – 18th Ayat), and “Qul Allaahumma Malekal mulk til Bi Ghairi Hisaab (Ayat 26/7) are attached to the Arsh and say, “Oh our Rabb, You are sending us onto earth to disobedient ones!!! Allaah says ,” I have given you such status, whosoever from amongst my servants recites you after every Salaat, his resting place will be Jannat. Hadhrat Hassan reports “Marfoonaan”,” I have been given Ayatul Kursi. It is reported from Hadhrat Askee Baqri that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) came to the abode of the Muhajreen when one person asked, “In the Qur’aan Kareem which is the most lofty Ayat?” Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) repeated “Ayatul Kursi”.Ĥ). Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,”That rascal has stated the truth although he is a great liar.”ģ). In the morning Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) came to Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and narrated the entire event to him. He who reads it at night will be saved from our evil till the morning and he who reads it in the morning will be saved from our evil till the night.” He replied,” I have come to know that you love to give charity so I decided to take a part also.” Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) said: ” Who will save us from your evil? It said, Aayatul Kursi which is in Surah Baqarah. I asked, “Are Jinns created like this?” It said, ” the Jinns know there are amongst them more stronger ones”. I noticed that the hand was like that of a dog. I asked,” Who are you? Man or Jinn?” It said, “Jinn. Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) said: “I greeted and received a reply”. Thus one night he stood vigil and saw an animal like a young person. He suspected that some dates were going missing.

Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) states that there was a room of dates, which he used to guard. It is by the threshold of Allaah’s Arsh, Mentioning His purity”.Ģ).

I swear by that Being in whose Hands and Control is my life, that this Ayat has one tongue and two lips. Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:”Oh Abul Munzar (family name of Abi bin Kaab). Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) stated, “Ayatul Kursi”. Rasulallah repeated this statement very often. Benfits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi Everyday:ġ).Hadhrat Ali bin Kaab (Radiahallahu Anhu) remarks that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked him,” Which is the most high ranking Aayat in the Qur’aan Kareem?” He said, ” Allaah and His Rasul know best”. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. AyatulKursi translation (meaning-tarjuma) in Urdu, Hindi, Bangla & English languages, Ayatul Kursi image, Ayatal Korsi in Arabic text, Aayatul Korsee audio mp3, Read Aayatal Kursee Ayat Al Qursi in roman English, Aya-Tul-Kursi importance and 15 Benefits of reading (advantages) everyday after Salat-Namaz, before leaving home and going to sleep,Ayatul Kursi recitation verse no: 255 verse of second chapter surah albaqara in quran majeed which protects Muslim kids, males and females from enemy, bad evils and Satan-jinnat.Īllahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom Laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm Lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard Man zallazee yashfa’u indahooo illaa be iznih Ya’lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum Wa laa yuheetoona beshai ‘immin ‘ ilmihee illa be maa shaaaa Wasi’a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya’ooduho hifzuhumaa Wa huwal aliyyul ‘azeem.“Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal.